l 获取宠物
² 玩家到达15级开启繁殖巢穴。
² 参与繁殖的宠物等级到达15级。
² 参与繁殖的宠物必须为相同种类(但是可以处于不用进化阶段)。
² 成长C级以上的宠物繁殖需要消耗道具魔力精华。
² 需要消耗合成卷轴。
² 需要合成卷轴所对应的材料宠物。
l 训练宠物
l 宠物整备
l 宠物技能Skills
1. 技能名称。Skill name.
2. 威力,直接影响技能所产生的效果。威力越大,技能的伤害量或者回复量也会越大。Power determines how powerful your skill is. The higher the power is, the more damage/healing the spell does.
3. 命中率,即技能命中对手的概率。Your hit rating measures the chance your attack will land on your opponent.
4. PP值,即此技能的使用次数。各个技能的PP值上限有所不同,当PP值为0时,此技能将无法使用。如果一只宠物所有技能的PP值均为0,那么当前宠物便会陷入战斗不能状态。PP值可以通过药品在关卡中回复。PP stands for power points. Power points represent the number of times you can use a certain skill. When you begin a challenge, all of your monster’s skills are at full PP. Skills at 0 PP can no longer be used. Certain potions can restore a monster’s PP during challenges.
5. 技能属性,决定技能对目标造成克制或者被克制的因素。宠物使用本身属性的技能拥有1.5倍加成。Each skill has its own element, and each monster has its own element type. If a monster’s element type matches the skill’s element, then the skill becomes 50% more effective.
Ex: Draco (fire type) and Poe (physical type) both have the skill Strike, which is a physical attack. Poe will do 50% more damage than Draco when using the same ability.
6. 技能类型 Skill category. See next section.
技能的分类 Skill Category
技能根据其作用不同分为以下三个分类。Skills are classified into 3 categories.
² 物理型: 根据宠物物攻以及目标物防造成伤害的技能。Physical Skill: Does damage to your opponent according to your physical attack stats and your opponent’s physical defense stats.
² 法术型: 根据宠物魔攻以及目标魔防造成伤害的技能。Magical Skill: Does damage to your opponent according to your magical attack stats and your opponent’s magical defense stats.
² 辅助型: 造成目标能力上升、下降以及各种异常状态的技能。Supplementary Skill: Other skills. Supplementary skills can improve your stats or give your opponent a debuff.
技能的学习 Skill Learning
通过提升等级、使用技能书,每只宠物可以学习4个技能。当宠物的技能已满时,如果要学习新的技能,就必须覆盖一个已有技能。Each monster can have up to 4 skills through leveling and skill books. The only way to replace a skill is by using skill books. You can do this by selecting a book on your monster’s page and selecting which skill you want to replace.
每种宠物可以学习的技能都有所不同,根据宠物的特点合理分配技能可以使战斗力半功倍。 Each monster can learn its own unique set of skills. It is recommended that you learn skills that work best with your monster’s element type.
l 鉴定宠物 Monster Identification
在宠物界面下点击“鉴定”便可消耗一定数量的银币以鉴定宠物成长。鉴定后显示宠物各属性成长以及宠物整体成长。You can use the Identify option under Monster Info to see your monster’s grades. Your monster’s stats grades and overall grade will be displayed after identification.
l 宠物优劣 Monster merits
宠物品质 Monster Rarity
宠物品质决定了此类宠物的能力强弱。一般来说,越是稀有的宠物,它的品质往往也会越高。A monster’s rarity determines how powerful it is. Monsters that are hard to come by are stronger than common ones.
宠物品质分为普通、优秀、精英、史诗以及传说。Monster rarity comes in Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary.
宠物成长 Monster Grades
宠物成长决定了当前宠物的能力弱。成长越是高的宠物,在同类宠物中也越是强大。A monster’s grades determine how strong its stats are.
宠物成长分为:E、D、C、B、A、以及S。宠物的每项数值都拥有各自的成长,其平均值即为此宠物的整体成长。Monster grades come in grades E, D, C, B, A and S. The monster’s overall grade is the average of all its grades. Each monster has a different grading standard.
宠物成长通过在宠物界面中鉴定宠物获得。You can identify a monster on its Monster Info page. You can find a monster’s Monster Info page by tapping its portrait under Home > Monsters.
l 进化宠物 Monster Evolution
宠物在满足一定条件之后可以触发宠物进化。进化后宠物形象会有所改变,各项能力都会得到一定提升,并且可以学会到新的技能。Monsters will evolve after meeting certain requirements. Evolved monsters have a different look and stronger stats. They can also learn new skills.
根据宠物种类的不同,宠物的进化条件有2种:To evolve, monsters need to meet the following requirements:
宠物达到一定等级之后自然进化。They need to meet the level requirement.
² 让宠物携带特有的进化道具,在战斗中催生宠物进化。If a monster needs a catalyst to evolve, you need to equip the catalyst and then meet the level requirements for the evolution.
l 宠物图鉴 Monster Encyclopedia
图鉴中可以查询宠物的具体信息,包括图鉴编号、宠物名称、品质、属性、图片、进化分支、出现场所等信息。其中部分信息需要在获得此宠物之后才会开放。已获得的宠物可以在图鉴中使用金币直接购买。 The Monster Encyclopedia gives you a look at the details of all monsters you have unveiled. This includes their Encyclopedia number, name, image, rarity, evolution requirements, and more. Some of the details are only available after you capture the monster. You can purchase the unveiled monsters in your Encyclopedia with coins.
打开宠物图鉴 Open Monster Encyclopedia
l 宠物强化 Stat Bet
You can now bet and possibly have your monster’s stat(s) increased through this new feature.
1. 在宠物整备界面点击强化标签进入强化页面。
2. 选择强化类型。
3. 点击强化按钮查看强化结果。
4. 如果对强化结果满意,点击保存按钮保存强化结果。如果不满意,可以点击放弃按钮放弃这次强化结果。本次强化将对属性不造成改变。
How Do I Bet on Stat?
1. Tap on “Monsters” to access your monster list > Select the monster you want to do the Stat Bet > tap on icon to access the details page.
2. Choose your bet type
3. Tap on the “Bet” button to complete the operation and view bet result.
4. Tap on “Save” and the bet result will be saved onto your monster; or tap on “Abandon” and the bet result won’t affect your monster’s stats.
Stat Bet Rules:
2. Bet result can’t be seen until the operation is done. Thus item(s) will be consumed whether the result is pleasing or not.
3. After the bet result you can either “Save” or “Abandon”. Decide whether to save or abandon your bet result by simply tapping on the respective button.
What Do I Get from Stat Bet?
Stat Bet sometimes raise target monsters’ stat(s) therefore making them stronger.
Skill Upgrade
You can now upgrade your monsters’ skills. Skills become more effective after the upgrade.
1. 打开宠物信息界面。
2. 点击技能面板。
3. 在弹出框上点击升级按钮。
4. 确认信息后点击确定按钮。
How Do I Upgrade a Skill?
1. Tap on your monster and access the details page.
2. Select the skill you want to upgrade and tap it.
3. Tap on “Upgrade” button.
4. Tap on “Ok” to complete the skill upgrade.
Skill Upgrade Rules:
1. Only advanced skill(s) and certain supplementary skill(s) can be upgraded.
2. Skill upgrade consumes item(s) and money.
Skills become more effective after an upgrade. For details please refer to their respective descriptions.